If the divine creator has taken pains to give us delicious and exquisite things to eat, the least we can do is prepare them well and serve them with ceremony. Fernand Point

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Batterie de Cuisine

When Hubby came home, our reunion meal was sablefish. I adore sablefish and saw successfully cooking this as a related move towards scallop domination.

Reflection had brought me to a change in tactics - I needed a new pan. For years, I have enjoyed my anodized aluminum Anolon pans - the steady heat, the low simmer temperatures, the non-stick finish - because easy clean up is essential to making my kitchen a happy place. I remember grudgingly washing stainless steel pots as a kid and finding that the scouring of dried potato inspired Cinderella fantasies.

But watching chefs at work has shown me they use steel pans at high heat and sear is not the same without it. So okay, one 40% off sale later I have in my possession a copper sandwiched, heavy bottom stainless saute pan, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Cue the high heat. I even chilled some of the muscadet. And voila - ! yes, I got sear. I got crust. I got Hubby's downright disloyal eyes-rolled-back-in-his-head appreciation - a look I feel should be reserved only for me.
Watch out, scallops. I'm coming for you.

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